Collection: The Cloud Nine Bunk bed collection

The Cloud Nine Bunk Bed collection has been created to offer more fun than an ordinary bed frame and where a practical solution is required due to space being limited or a spare bed is required for when children’s friends or family members stay over.

As a result of the benefits mentioned above Bunk bed are a natural choice for a shared bedroom. you can free up critical floor space that can be used for something more fun – a small bouncy castle, perhaps. By having one bed safely stacked above the other, you can have half the floor space required in your bedroom. Our diversely sized bunk beds come in wood and metal, with different ladder styles and all children will want to sleep on the top bunk. Unfortunately, we are not able to help you with this.
Benefits of bunk bed
Furnishing and decorating a shared children’s bedroom can be a lot of fun – but also a real headache. A bunk bed solves the problem of space limitations, by freeing up an entire bed’s worth of floor space that can be used for something else. You can also have fun with a bunk bed, turning it into a secret cabin or hut with draped fabrics and comfy pillows. With a bit of fantasy, bunk beds can bring a significant cosy factor in children’s bedrooms.

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